Painting Objects
Published by Spider-Doo under Test on 06:06
For creating an exterior environment things have to look organic and not look like they have been place there by some one. I was looking at different tutorials on different websites and there was one that I kept seeing and didn't know what it was trying to do. I found out that it was for using the paint tool for geometry that you have made so you can paint this onto a surface.

This is the tutorial that I looked at.
I thought I could use this as a way of making rocks or other objects that can be put into the environment more randomly taking little time as possible.
I got to the end of the tutorial and it still didn't work. It just wouldn't paint my objects that I made. I went looking for similar tutorials on this and there were no others. After 30mins of messing about trying different buttons etc I looked in the Maya help files. Normally there not much help but this time it was. In the tutorial they miss out one of the important part to make it work. I had made the object away from the center grid which is needed in order for it to work. So I redone the tutorial with the object in the center of the grid and it worked ! YAY ! hehe
Here's what I messed about with that only took like 1min to do.

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