Published by Spider-Doo under Test on 04:22
From having a little play around in Maya at making sparks for the cart on the mine cart section, I wanted to have some reference to work from.
I have a fire flint and striker to make fires if you don't have matches available.
"The magnesium alloy rod and striker will last for up to 3,000 strikes, producing a 3,000°C (5,500°F) spark that is bright enough to be used as an emergency signal."
I was using this fire flint and striker and a lighter to produce the sparks.
Here are some videos and pictures of what I have.

Here is the video that I complied.
I have a fire flint and striker to make fires if you don't have matches available.
"The magnesium alloy rod and striker will last for up to 3,000 strikes, producing a 3,000°C (5,500°F) spark that is bright enough to be used as an emergency signal."
I was using this fire flint and striker and a lighter to produce the sparks.
Here are some videos and pictures of what I have.

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