Well over the last couple of days I have done some little tests in maya, trying to work out which way would be best to do certain things. Theses are making good looking grass which could be possibly animated to like flow in the wind and making a lava texture that looks really convincing.
I have now got to the stage where am happy and confident with how to approach these tasks, only gotta refine them more. Since looking at the lava texture tutorials I wanted to have the lava flowing like water kind of. Soo been looking into how I would go about that, and am getting close to it looking good :D
Ill post some pictures of test renders later on.
Two day we have now finished how we invision the story which is good news ! Now we can start to do the story boards tomorrow and concept art work over the weekend. Each of us are going to have a section to storyboard so it can get done quicker, then once that is done Dan Cripps will take them to make a animatic.